Seismic Ceiling Calculator

Terra Motus Seismic Ceiling Calculator

Terra Motus Seismic Ceiling Calculator

Welcome to Terra Motus our new Seismic Ceiling Calculator.

Terra Motus enables Designers to confirm the seismic design requirements of USG Boral DONN® Brand or Drywall Grid suspended ceilings according to New Zealand standard NZS 1170.5:2004 Amd 1. The Terra Motus App confirms whether the Main or Cross Tees require any bracing, and if so, designs the bracing configuration. 

Please toggle freely between the Calculator sections highlighted below including; Project, Design, Geometry, Grid, Tees, Loads & Bracing. Please note however, that you may need to complete all the information in a section before proceeding to the next in order to validate your calculation - as some sections are dependant. Please remember this if you choose to skip ahead!

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A DH4 can be used instead of back bracing. For more information please see our brochures.


Please check your values and try again.


Two Standards are available in New Zealand:

NZS 1170.5: 2007 Amd 1 can be used as a Verification Method - this is the preferred Standard by most designers.

AS/NZS 2785: 2000 can be used as an Alternative Solution.


Most buildings fall under IL 2 or 3.

Please refer to AS/NZS 1170.0 Table 3.1.


Suspended ceilings are considered 50 years elements in New Zealand.


The worst case is Class C. The actual soil class can be found in a geotechnical report. Check to see if one has been done for your project.


This is the distance between the ground level and the ceiling level.

Refer to NZS 1170.5 Cl. 8.3.


Start typing your region's name and choose an option. If your region does not appear, try the closest major region. Please do not enter a region that is not on the list.


This is the height of the building, from the ground to the highest part.

Refer to NZS 1170.5 Cl. 8.3.


P2: The part represents a hazard to over 100 people inside the building.

P3: The part is a hazard to an individual's life in the building.


Donn Grid (Two Way Grid) is used for tile ceilings.

Drywall Grid and Screw Fix are used for plasterboard ceilings.


Level 1: Flush or sheeted ceilings only.

Level 2: Minimum standard of finish. Used in non-critical areas, e.g., store rooms.

Level 3: Normal standard for, e.g., offices.

Level 4/5: Flush or sheeted ceilings only.


This is the distance between the suspension wires or rods.


ACM7 1 Screw - One screw is placed through the ACM into the Main Tee.

ACM7 2 Screw - Two screws are placed through the ACM into the Main Tee.

FR 3.2 - One ⌀3.2mm Al rivet through the wall angle into the bottom of the Tee.

FR 2 x 3.2 - Two ⌀3.2mm Al rivets through the wall angle into the bottom of the Tee.

FR 4.0 - One ⌀4.0mm Al rivet through the wall angle into the bottom of the Tee.

FR 2 x 4.0 - Two ⌀4.0mm Al rivets through the wall angle into the bottom of the Tee.


ACM7 1 Screw - One screw is placed through the ACM into the Cross Tee.

ACM7 2 Screw - Two screws are placed through the ACM into the Cross Tee.

FR 3.2 - One ⌀3.2mm Al rivet through the wall angle into the bottom of the Tee.

FR 2 x 3.2 - Two ⌀3.2mm Al rivets through the wall angle into the bottom of the Tee.

FR 4.0 - One ⌀4.0mm Al rivet through the wall angle into the bottom of the Tee.

FR 2 x 4.0 - Two ⌀4.0mm Al rivets through the wall angle into the bottom of the Tee.


Select one of the options given. For more information, please see our brochures.


Select one of the options given. For more information, please see our brochures.

The options for this will change based on what you have selected for Suspension System.


The standard layout is Main Tee at 1200mm centres and Cross Tee at 600mm centres.


Select one of the options given. For more information, please see our brochures.


Select one of the options below. Please note that the options will change depending on the following previous inputs:

  • Suspension System
  • Grid Layout


Select one of the options below. Please note that the options will change depending on the following previous inputs:

  • Suspension System
  • Grid Layout


Allows for the weight of the sprinkler and hose when they are full of water. If you are unsure what to enter, 0.07 kg/m2 is the standard.


Allows for the vents in the ceiling. If you are unsure what to enter, 0.35 kg/m2 is the standard.


3 kg/m2 is the standard, but please check with the insulation's manufacturer's specifications.


This design is only valid if USG Boral plasterboard is used.


Select one of the brace systems below. For more information, consult one of our brochures.


Select one of the brace angles below. For more information, consult one of our brochures.


This is the depth between the ceiling and the structural soffit above.


This is the expected main tee length. Experiment with this value and the cross tee length until the trial passes.


This is the expected cross tee length. Experiment with this value and the main tee length until the trial passes.


This is the maximum length of Main Tee that will be used in the project.


This is the maximum length of Cross Tee that will be used in the project.

Importance Level

If your project is Importance Level 4 or 5, please use TecASSIST®.

Terms and conditions

Testing Material

Testing by Materials & Laboratories Ltd on USG Boral Tees.

Copyright Statement

This document is the property of USG Boral Ltd. Copies of these calculations must not be copied nor the contents passed on to a third party without the explicit consent of the USG Boral Ltd.

Disclaimer Statement

This Document has been prepared by USG Boral Building Products Pty Limited ACN 004 231 976 (‘USG Boral’) to provide an overview of USG’s products and services.

By receiving this Document, you acknowledge and agree that:

  • no representation or warranty is made (or, except to extent expressly agreed in writing, will be made in any future supply agreement) as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any information contained or referred to in this Presentation, or subsequently provided either orally or in writing to you in the course of negotiating a supply agreement); and
  • nothing contained in this Document is, or is to be relied upon as, a promise or representation, whether as to the past or the future. In particular all opinions, estimates, forecasts and projections in this Presentation have been prepared by USG Boral for internal use. They do not constitute, and should not be regarded as, a representation that the relevant results will actually be achieved or that the underlying assumptions are valid. The opinions, estimates, forecasts and projections are subject to uncertainties and contingencies, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond the control of USG Boral. USG Boral, and no other person, has independently verified the opinions, forecasts or projections.

You further acknowledge and agree that verification of all matters relevant to a decision to enter into a supply agreement is a matter of due diligence by you. You should make your own decision as to the sufficiency and relevance for your purposes of the information contained in this Document after taking all appropriate advice from qualified professional persons including their own legal advisers and accountants, as to legal, tax and related matters. USG Boral has no obligation to update, amend or supplement this Document or any other information provided to you. No responsibility or liability of any nature whatsoever is assumed by USG Boral for updating any such information or to inform you of any new or more accurate information or any errors or misdescriptions of which they may become aware. This Document is not a recommendation to enter into a supply agreement, nor investment, legal, tax or other advice. This Document does not and will not form any part of any supply agreement that may be negotiated between you and USG Boral.

Except for statutory liability which cannot be excluded, USG Boral (including each of its related bodies corporate and all officers, employees advisers and agents of USG Boral and each related body corporate):

  • do not accept responsibility for any interpretation that you or any other person may place on the information in this Documentation or for any opinion or conclusion that you or any other person may form as a result of examining the information in this Documentation; and
  • do not accept any liability, whether direct or indirect or consequential, for any loss, damage, cost, expense, outgoing, interest, loss of profits or loss of any kind (‘Losses’) suffered or incurred by any person (whether foreseeable or not) as a result of or by reason of or in connection with the provision or use of the information in this Documentation, or of you or your representatives or advisers acting on or relying on any information in this Documentation (including any projections as to future events or other forward looking statements), whether the Losses arise in connection with any negligence, default or lack of care on the part of USG Boral or any other cause.

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