Grant Thornton Lift Lobby Pixels™ Renovation

Grant Thornton Lift Lobby - Pixels™

Main Products Used

Pixels™  Metal Ceiling Panels

Compässo™ Elite Ceiling Suspension Trim

People Involved

Bridget Chapple Designer, Geyer Pty Ltd

Project Scope

Pixels ceiling or wall panels as small as 610mm x 610mm or as large as 610mm x 1830mm 

Special Factors

Grant Thornton wanted a work environment that reflected their culture and reinforced their philosophy that their employees are as important as their clients. In addition, the physical environment needed to convey the transparency, approachability and collaborative nature of the organisation. 

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Grant Thornton Lift Lobby

Grant Thornton wanted a work environment that reflected the company culture and reinforced their philosophy - employees are as important as clients.  In addition, the physical environment needed to convey the transparency, approachability and collaborative nature of the organisation.

Pixels™ is a unique process that creates custom perforated images from photographs, brand logos or geometric shapes. This enables the creation of signature graphic designs on metal ceilings and wall-mounted panels and means limitless possibilities for almost any space. Pixels ceiling or wall panels can be as small as 610mm x 610mm, or as large as 610mm x 1830mm.

In the early stages of the design process, USG Boral provided information on the product and the possibilities. We refined ideas, exploring how images of the river could be incorporated into ceiling panels.

"Once we had a complete picture of what we could achieve with Pixels and Compässo™  Elite, we began to focus on the complexities of what parts of the image would be solid and which would be backlit. USG Boral pixelated the image and converted it to the individual ceiling tiles. Different shop drawings were produced until we arrived at the final design."
                Bridget Chapple, Designer Geyer Pty Ltd.