SHEETROCK® - Barrett Homes

SHEETROCK®, the Plasterboard of Choice for Barrett Homes

Main Products Used

SHEETROCK® 10 & 13mm Plasterboard & USG Boral Technical Boards.

People Involved

Barrett Homes

Project Scope

Barrett Homes adopts Sheetrock as the primary wall and ceiling lining for their residential builds.

Special Factors

Sheetrock was selected by Barrett homes due to its light weight, excellent seismic performance, exceptional sag resistance and efficient installation.


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Barrett Homes adopted Sheetrock as the primary wall and ceiling lining for their builds, due to its light weight, excellent seismic performance, exceptional sag resistance and efficient installation.

Originally founded in 2013, Barrett Homes has become synonymous with design, quality, and service. Employing well qualified and experienced builders, Barrett Homes understand the importance of using high quality, innovative building materials that complement their reputation and legacy.

Their decision to adopt Sheetrock Plasterboard as the primary wall and ceiling lining for projects was easy after realising the benefits in installation efficiency, low maintenance, high level of finish and sag-defying strength. Since then, they've become proud advocates of the Sheetrock Plasterboard brand and firmly believe Sheetrock Plasterboard is a lightweight¹, strong and smart alternative.

For Barrett Homes, using Sheetrock Plasterboard also means they can differentiate themselves from other builders who simply install standard products, offering no additional long term benefits to homeowners or installers.

Sheetrock Ceiling Boards' sag-defying strength² has a double benefit of only requiring battens at 600mm centres, while taking the extra insulation weight load in the ceiling, helping to make homes more comfortable and economical.

Sheetrock Ceiling Boards' sag-defying strength² has a double benefit of only requiring battens at 600mm centres, while taking the extra insulation weight load in the ceiling, helping to make homes more comfortable and economical.

Sheetrock Plasterboard's unique sag-defying strength and light weight helps Barrett Homes and their contractors to reduce the amount of plasterboard being damaged during on-site handling and installation.

Among the many benefits of using lightweight yet strong building materials is the effect it has on a building's seismic performance. 

The seismic force determined for a building is calculated on the weight of the building, so reducing the weight of building components directly reduces the magnitude of the seismic forces. Lightweight Sheetrock is one such building component that offers this weight reduction, and therefore enhances the seismic performance of any building.

Sheetrock is highly durable and lightweight — enhancing seismic performance, making it easy to work with and saving on installation time and costs. It's a smart plasterboard option.


Sheetrock benefits at a glance:

  • • Lightweight, strong and easy to work with
  • • Sharp score and snap
  • • Exceptional finish
  • • Preferred product for Barrett Homes' in-house architectural designers
  • • Great warranty, and reliable customer service
  • • Great seismic performance


— Written in collaboration with Barrett Homes*

*The opinions expressed in the testimonial set out above are the opinions of Barrett Homes and should not be taken to reflect the views or opinions of USG Boral.

1 Lightweight claims based on comparison of USG Boral 10mm and 13mm SHEETROCK plasterboard with other 10mm and 13mm plasterboard available in New Zealand as at 29 March 2017.

2 Based on Sag Testing, in accordance with AS/NZS 2589 as at 1st September 2016.

3 Limiting weight factors ref. Table 15, Page 20, USG Boral Plasterboard Installation Manual. Please contact USG Boral Technical Support for more information. Please refer to truss manufacturers detail design for confirmation of batten centres.

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