GABBA Redevelopment

Main Products Used

Fiberock Aqua-Tough

People Involved

Watpac (builder), Mewcastle (Plasterer), Queensland Government Services

Project Scope

One multi-function board for all areas and 95% recycled materials  

Special Factors

no waste in project

Project Cost


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Construction company Watpac and plasterer Mewcastle needed a solution to offer their client
Queensland Government Services for interior wall linings at the GABBA with the following benefits:

  • Minimum dust emission when drilling and cutting
  • Faster and more economical installation
  • Superor moisture and mould resistance
  • For better impact resistance as well as acoustic advantages
  • With no paper faces, end butt joints can be site tapered to eliminate wide and weak end joints.

The redevelopment of The Gabba (Brisbane Cricket Ground) was undertaken by Watpac over a 10
year period and was broken down into 8 stages. The total value of the redevelopment was $132M and the client was the Queensland Major Sports Facility Authority. Each stage was delivered on time and budget without any interruption to staged events including football, cricket matches and the 2000 Olympic Games.
With increased resistance to indentation and penetration, FIBEROCK® Aqua Tough™ interior
panels outperform speciality plasterboard and fibre cement panels. They are suitable for use on walls, ceilings, and exterior dry soffit applications, offering abuse, moisture, mould, and fire-resistance.

“FIBEROCK® is the ideal solution because when we compare it with 9mm fibre cement the biggest plus is we save around 30 to 40% of our labour in cutting and fixing. My fixers say it is as easy, if not easier, to fix than 13mm plasterboard – and I have some pretty experienced fixers on my gang!”. Ron Scott, Mewcastle Site Manager

These high-performance panels derive both strength and water resistance from their uniform
composition. As a result, they won’t lose their strength when cut. And they are ideal for wet areas, because their panel surface will not delaminate when wet.
They provide a smooth, paintable surface that can also be finished with ceramic tile. One type of panel can be used for an entire room, simplifying design and installation, shortening job
schedules and lowering in-place costs. They are made from 95% recycled materials, an environmentally friendly option for use in sustainable building construction.

USG Boral FIBEROCK® was used as the wall lining in a number of locations at the GABBA including in new food outlets because of its durability, resistance to mould and moisture, and
a fine surface finish.