Multi Performance Plasterboard - Multistop ™ 5 | USG Boral

Multistop ™ 5 - Multi Performance Plasterboard

Where the prevention of mould is imperative for projects such as hotel bathrooms, commercial restrooms, restaurants, cafes and laboratories, choose Multistop™ 5 – equipped with anti-mould attributes.

Multistop™ 5 is ideal for commercial applications such as healthcare, hospitality and childcare where mould resistance and plasterboard durability to incidental collisions is required.

For areas subject to greater traffic and impact levels; including hospital wards and corridors, we recommend Multistop™ 5HI (high impact).

  • Mould resistance
  • Impact resistance
  • Fire resistance
  • Water resistance
  • Sound resistance

Multistop™ 5 plasterboard contains a minimum of 10% overall recycled content, is certified by Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) and may contribute to the achievement of Green Star points.

Physical Properties

Thickness: 13mm


Suitable for commercial and institutional project specifications, such as:

Hotel Bathrooms / Commercial Restrooms / Restaurants / Cafes / Laboratories