Multi Performance Plasterboard - Multistop ™ 3HI | USG Boral

Multistop ™ 3HI - Multi Performance Plasterboard

Multistop™ 3 HI plasterboard is a multi-performance plasterboard with embedded fibreglass mesh backing to provide high resistance to both soft and hard body impacts.

Multistop™ 3 HI is recommended for a wide range of commercial projects, including wall and ceilings in music rooms, libraries and reception areas. It is ideal for high foot traffic areas or places subject to frequent bumps, including school or office corridors and gymnasiums.

Multistop™ 3 HI plasterboard contains a minimum of 10% overall recycled content.

  • High impact resistance
  • Fire resistance, and
  • Sound resistance
Physical Properties

Thickness: 13mm


Suitable for internal commercial and institutional project specifications where a multi performance board is required.