Prima Pearl Apartment Development

Prima Pearl Development

Main Products Used

USG Boral SHEETROCK® Tuff-Hide™ Primer-Surfacer

People Involved

Bates Smart

Schiavello Properties and PDG

Brookfield Multiplex (Schiavello Constructions VIC)

Johnson Walls and Ceilings

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USG Boral’s patented SHEETROCK® Tuff-Hide™ Primer-Surfacer – a vinyl-acrylic latex based coating designed for interior application over new plasterboard and SHEETROCK® surfaces – was used on ceilings and walls in the high profile Prima Pearl residential development in Melbourne. 

The Level 5 finish was specified for the penthouse apartments by the developer, Schiavello Group and PDG, to achieve the highest level of finish possible on new plasterboard walls and ceilings.

SHEETROCK Tuff-Hide Primer Surfacer

  • SHEETROCK Tuff-Hide Primer Surfacer
    SHEETROCK Tuff-Hide Primer Surfacer

“The finish which is specified on this project is of the highest quality for all of the walls and ceilings. Typically, it’s hard to create a Level 5 finish on ceilings that are 5 metres high.

Longer walls and large ceilings create more joins in the plasterboard.”

“Another challenge we face is that there is a large amount of light splashing directly onto the walls,” said Schiavello Construction Site Supervisor, Josh Morrison.

Schiavello Construction contracted Johnson Walls and Ceilings to install the plasterboard walls and ceilings in the penthouse apartments.

“For large application areas when we need to achieve a Level 5 finish, our preferred method of application is spray. Spray application helps us to achieve a smooth and consistent finish”.

Tuff-Hide™ can be applied by roller or spray application. Spray application is recommended for larger surfaces, such as the Prima Pearl project.

Tuff-Hide™ skims and primes in one single application compared to the traditional method of skim coating with a joint compound followed by a coat of primer. It dries to a hard, abrasion-resistant surface and can be sanded to achieve a smoother finish.

SHEETROCK® Tuff-Hide™ dries to a white finish and can be painted or left unpainted on ceilings. Tuff-Hide™ with universal colorants is recommended prior to application.

For normal applications, standard paints can be used over Tuff-Hide™. For areas requiring greater durability and toughness, waterborne enamels are recommended for finish coats.

“There is a lot of demand for Tuff- Hide™ because of the standard of finish that it achieves and the ease of application because it is sprayed instead of rolled on. Our contractors like it because it gives them a high level of finish, and it is faster and easier to apply as well as having OH&S benefits” said USG Boral Sales Manager – Commercial, Andrew Smyth.

“Given Tuff-Hide™ is a purpose manufactured product we can use it straight from the drum. The sprayon application is less physically demanding, it’s much easier for our boys using spray guns to achieve that smooth and consistent finish and we’re seeing benefits in terms of OH&S when we’re using spray guns”.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve seen innovation in the industry, and USG Boral are bringing that with their lining and applied finishes”.

“This method of spraying on the product will revolutionalise how we do Level 5 finishes from now on, particularly with the speed and quality of finish”.

“USG Boral are a great company to work with and their innovative approach helps us as a contractors” said Johnson Walls and and Ceilings, Terry Culbertson.

“We are really happy with the results the spray-on application has achieved,” said Schiavello Construction Site Supervisor, Josh Morrison.

The opinions expressed by the employees of Schiavello Constructions and Johnson Walls and Ceilings above are the opinions of those third parties and should not be taken to reflect the views or opinions of USG Boral. For more information on SHEETROCK® Tuff-Hide™ please visit;