Chadstone Shopping Centre

Chadstone Shopping Centre Redevelopment

Main Products Used

115,000m2 of USG Boral lining products including FIBEROCK® and SHEETROCK® as well as specialist plasterboards and compounds

People Involved

Builder - ProBuild

Contractor- Arc Plastering

Project Scope

Chadstone Shopping Centre Redevelopment Stages 38 & 40

• 60,000m2 new floor area
• 25,000m2 retail space
• 8-cinema complex including IMAX and two
dining precincts
• Additional car parking
• 10-storey office tower

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Chadstone Shopping Centre Redevelopment


The Chadstone Shopping Centre in south-east Melbourne is once more the largest in Australia, with the completion of a new retail and food area, as well as a ten-storey office building and hotel opening in 2017.

Commenced in 2015, it was imperative to have the new extension to the shopping centre completed by November 2016 to cater for the Christmas shopping season. Another requirement was that the existing parts of the shopping centre must remain open and operational throughout the 15-month redevelopment phase. This meant there was little room for storage of materials – so the logistics of supply and delivery were critical success factors.

Case Study - Chadstone Shopping Centre Redevelopment

  • Case Study - Chadstone Shopping Centre Redevelopment
    Case Study - Chadstone Shopping Centre Redevelopment

ProBuild Project Site Manager Peter Free says,
“ProBuild was engaged by the Gandel and Vicinity Group in 2014 to start the Stage 38 and 40 projects of  Chadstone. The project value was around the $400 million mark and the timeline was to be open ready for  Christmas 2016 which Probuild and all subcontractors achieved.”

Probuild subcontracted internal walls and ceilings to Arc Plastering, a national company specialising in large commercial developments. Arc had not used USG Boral products previously, but the critical logistics and supply considerations in the Chadstone project made them open to the supply solutions offered by USG Boral.

The USG Boral Technical Support team was also able to help with another major challenge faced in the project’s final stages: rapid turnaround of design solutions. Tenant requirements within the retail and food areas would change, so design specifications had to adapt ‘on the fly’. During the latter part of the project, the team was creating new solutions then producing the designs and specifications within a four-hour window. During the last months of the project, when the pressure was on to meet the pre-Christmas shopping deadline, Arc Plastering had up to 130 workers on site at any given time, with shifts working around the clock.

Pat Moore, Director of Arc Plastering said,
“There was a short time to achieve programs, hampered by probably the wettest winter we had in 100 years. We managed this by two-weekly forecasting. We never doubted our ability to get the job done. Our only issue was whether we could get access to do our job.”

USG Boral attended daily meetings with Arc, with Andrew Smyth, USG Boral’s Commercial Manager, working closely with Arc and USG Boral’s manufacturing plants to ensure runs of specialised plasterboard to meet building code regulations for fire-safety, acoustics and wet areas were available in sufficient quantities to meet project deadlines. Says Andrew, “On a project like this in a retail environment, it’s critical that building codes are met for the safety of patrons that come to the centre.” Pat Moore says “USG Boral had the product available whether it was a two-hour or four-hour fire rating, the acoustic DBA levels that we needed – it was there. And it was there on the shelf and onsite pretty much straight away."


”USG Boral helped greatly with design, delivery and support. And as a result we brought the job in on a deadline. It was pretty tight but we got there… I think the planning and the timing was pretty much perfect and the centre opened on time, so the client was happy and the tenants were happy."

Dave Goss, Project Manager Arc Plastering explained that getting materials in could be difficult. “When we were expecting semi-trailers of plasterboard we’d book crane-lift time. But structural materials like concrete or steel took priority over our materials – because you have to build the external structure before you can do the internals. USG Boral was very patient; they always allowed us to keep the trucks onsite. With lack of storage onsite we constantly had to maintain our material levels to keep our employees working. But USG Boral helped us out all the way to the end.”

Peter Free, Senior Site Manager, ProBuild concurs.“The relationship that we developed with USG Boral and their representatives that worked with our project was strong. They were always present when we needed them. They came to site to work with us directly as well as Arc. The experience that I had personally with USG Boral onsite was probably second to none with any other company that I’ve dealt with, and I have no hesitation in recommending USG Boral to other contractors.”

Download the full case study here.