
USG Boral Impactstop khusus dibuat sebagai pelapis dinding interior yang kokoh untuk bangunan komersial, industrial dan hunian yang membutuhkan performa tahan bentur (Severe Duty BS 5234).

Physical Properties
  • Berat: 16,2 Kg/m2
  • Tebal: 19mm
  • Panjang 2400mm
  • Lebar: 1200mm
  • Bebas asbestos
  • Kandungan TVOC rendah
  • Non radioactive material
  • Recyclable material
Recommended Applications
  • Rumah Sakit
  • Hotel
  • Pabrik
  • Dept. Store / Supermarket
  • Apartement – Intra Unit Wall
Features & Benefits
  • Kokoh & Tahan Bentur (Severe Duty BS 5234)
  • Kekedapan suara baik (~STC 51)
  • Fleksibel, dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan interior.
  • Hasil akhir sempurna
  • Bebas retak
  • Konstruksi kering & Cepat

Information provided are for reference purpose only and due care has been taken to ensure accuracy at time of publication. Products, specifications and requirements may vary according to geographical locations and applications. As each project is unique, please contact your local Jayaboard representative for further assessment.